The Lumpy Universe

Posts on a variety of topics of interest, including current events, politics, economics, technology, science, religion, philosophy, and whatever else comes to mind. Not affiliated with The Lumpy Universe at NASA/Goddard (sorry--I just happen to like the name).

Location: United States

04 March 2006

More Creation

Well, it's been a month since I've posted anything. I guess it's time to try again...

One of the things I wonder about often is why the "traditional" account of the creation, as spoken of by the LDS, differs from the written accounts. I assume that so-called orthodox Christianity doesn't likely understand the difference between a spiritual creation and a physical creation, but the LDS really ought to.

Today's reading was from Abraham. Here is the sequence of events in his description of the creation:

(Oops, sorry for the interruption. The phone rang, and the caller ID said "Acupuncture Ass". No kidding. That's gotta hurt! Better there than the face, though...)

  1. Formed the heavens and the earth
  2. Created light, separated it from darkness
  3. Created expanse between waters under the expanse and waters above the expanse
  4. Separated dry land from the great waters
  5. Prepared the earth to bring forth plants
  6. Organized the stars, sun (I know, it's a star), and moon
  7. Prepared the waters to bring forth fishies and birdies
  8. Prepared the earth to bring forth animals
  9. Went down to organize man [but did what?]
  10. Rested a bit
  11. Caused a mist to water the earth
  12. Formed Adam from the dust of the earth
  13. Planted a garden in Eden
  14. Created Eve from Adam's rib (we're told this is figurative)
  15. Created the beasts and fowls, and brought them to Adam to be named
Hmm. Sure sounds like Adam got here -- in the flesh, anyway -- before the animals.

Let's try Moses (not from Genesis, but similar):

  1. Created light, separated it from darkness
  2. Firmament between waters beneath and waters above
  3. Water and dry land separated
  4. Earth brings forth plants
  5. Stars, sun, and moon
  6. Waters bring forth fishies and birdies (what do birdies and fishies have in common?)
  7. Beasts and cattle and creeping things (that's creeping, not creepy)
  8. Rest a bit
  9. An explanation is inserted here that all these things were created spiritually, that it hadn't rained yet, there was "not yet flesh upon the earth, neither in the water, neither in the air"
  10. Mist to water the earth
  11. Adam formed from the dust of the ground -- first man and also "first flesh"
  12. Garden planted (first physical plants on the earth?)
  13. River to water the garden
  14. Beasts and fowls formed and brought to Adam to be named
  15. Eve formed from Adam's rib
The "traditional" order of creation appears to be consistent with the possibility that macroEvolution might have been employed by God in order to create life on this planet, since it begins with lesser life forms and progresses up to homo sapiens. However, I don't think that matches the physical creation. My reading of the physical creation mixes up the order.

If anyone is still reading this post clear down to here, get a life!!!


Blogger Daring Young Dad said...

Looking for my life, anybody seen it?


10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I havent- sorry DYD. I'm still looking for mine! This is very interesting reading though-I wonder why it dosen't have more of a following...

5:59 PM  

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