The Lumpy Universe

Posts on a variety of topics of interest, including current events, politics, economics, technology, science, religion, philosophy, and whatever else comes to mind. Not affiliated with The Lumpy Universe at NASA/Goddard (sorry--I just happen to like the name).

Location: United States

09 October 2009

The Cost of Green Jobs

The Obama administration has promised that the economic recovery can be greatly aided by switching to renewable sources of electricity, such as solar and wind. What they aren't telling us is that the cost to build these facilities greatly exceeds the cost to build coal and gas fired plants. The excess money that is needed for green projects is money that won't be available for other things - the opportunity cost of going green. Those "other things" represent other jobs that won't be created. One estimate is that each green job is created at the expense of two other jobs.

In other words, if the money were invested in things we really want and need, and which would have a higher return on investment, more jobs would be the result.


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